What separates the good from the great?
Attention to detail. There are many viable wireless solutions out there, all delivering network connect accessibility to users. But it is the small particulars that separate these solutions, and in a big way. Sixty-nine percent of higher ed IT professionals cited compatibility with existing access mounts as important. By using existing mounts, colleges and universities save money as new site surveys are no longer needed, saving costly deployment time. These savings can be monstrous for large campuses undergoing a large wireless refresh cycle.
Wasted time adds up.
Consider how much time is wasted tracking down something you need such as lab equipment, additional chairs to seat a larger than expected audience, or audio/visual devices. Juniper’s location networking solutions eliminate the precious time squandered on locating assets because you always know where everything is. In that way, Juniper is helping campuses reclaim time and money. Additionally, network location insight reports analyze the traffic of all cafeterias and retail stores on campus to find out if these services are open during the correct hours, allowing managers to modify as needed.